Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Countdown to Triathlon - 291 Days to Race Day (See Installment 5 of "The Journey", 220 mile bike ride, below)

It's so nice to walk in Lodi.  The streets are wide, sidewalks everywhere, huge trees line the streets.  It is amazing how friendly people are when you are walking with a dog.  It does take a little longer, though, because almost every one I pass asks to either pet her or comments on what a beautiful dog.  Of course, Roxi loves all the attention.  One lady today even stopped her car and pulled over to the sidewalk and asked what kind of dog Roxi is.  Then she had to tell me all about her dog.  TOO BAD I DON'T GARNER THAT MUCH ATTENTION WHEN I WALK.

She's tired now after her walk.

A Training Word to the Wise     How do you eat an elephant? (One bite at a time!) 

I must train, one lap at a time; one block of walking at a time; one half mile of biking at at time.


Triathlon Goal  -Swim .62 mile; bike 17.5 mile; walk/run 3.4 miles

Weight Loss - since 11/1/10 -  4.40 lbs.
Laps -needed 70 (25 yd pool=1 lap) I will train for a mile so that .62 mile seems easy. 
(1 mile= 71 Laps)
Laps on 11/1/10 - 16
Laps on 11/3/10 - 12 (EXCUSE NO. 1 - I swam laps after one hour conditioning instead of  before conditioning as I  did on day 1)
Walk Roxi -  11/1/10 - 1.5 miles, 38 minutes
Walk Roxi -  11/3/10 - 1.1 miles 33 minutes (EXCUSE NO. 2 - didn't leave enough time and have a hair appointment - a gal's got to get her roots done. )  Really sad story, after hurrying my walk and getting to the hair dressers, my appointment was at 9:00 not 1:00 so I missed it and have to do my own darned hair.  I was counting on being beutiful today.  

I tried something new today.  Instead of being in the pool at 7 am which is just barely light and cold when I leave, I need to stop being the "all or nothing girl".  I noticed that they have a 9:00 am conditioning and 10:00 lap swim.  That seems more reasonable and I can do Bible Study or walk the dog before I go.  The early time will still be availaable if my schedule calls for that time.  It just occurred to me that it isn't necessary to get out in the cold so early - I'll accomplish the same thing at the later time and I can stay in the house doing whatever I need to do without making myself miserable.  Good choice, huh?

Here's where I swim.  The pool is on the second
floor where the two cernter windows are.  I don't know how the structure can hold up all that weight of a pool, but then I'm not an engineer.  This used to be Bob's high school but they closed it for children/teenagers due to lack of earthquake standards  Now it is a senior center and art's center.  I guess it's okay if old people die in an earthquake.

One of the streets where I walk.  We haven't had a cold snap yet so most the trees are still green.

The Journey - Installment Five

President’s Day that year of 2001 fell on the birthday of our daughter Heather’s husband.  Since I had procrastinated in obtaining a gift, I decided to drive to Modesto, about a 15 minute drive from our little town of Hughson, in the central valley of California.   As I drove into Modesto I complained during the entire trip to the Lord about not having what I needed for the bike ride.  I drove straight to one of the local movie theaters and purchased two theater passes.  A restaurant, which was only a block from the movie theater was my next stop to purchase a gift certificate for dinner for two for Heather and her husband.  While in the car that day, the radio was on and tuned to Good News Radio, a wonderful Christian station out of Merced, CA.   Between the movie theater and the restaurant, in that short amount of time, I heard part of a broadcast, which was discussing a book written by Jim Talley, called Reconcilable Differences. Immediately, my accountant came to mind as he was about to go through a divorce.  I thought that this book might be helpful to him.  I vowed not to forget to call him when I returned home.  After purchasing both sets of tickets, I climbed back into the car and was heading out of the restaurant driveway.  In order to return home I had to turn right.   All of a sudden the thought occurred to me that my accountant’s office was located on that very street only a couple of blocks away, on my way home. As I approached his office, I had the thought that most likely the office would be closed because it was a holiday. But as I approached his building, I discovered that all the employees’ vehicles were in the parking lot.  As I entered the office I commented to the receptionist that they should all be having a holiday and she replied that there is no holiday for them until after tax season is over.  At that very instant, the client that was visiting with my accountant, Mike, walked out of the office and left the building.  I did not have an appointment but as it happened, Mike was now free to see me. A non-believer, reading this story would now just see a series of coincidences.  A believer sees the hand of God.

 He and I discussed the book that I recommended to him and then I began to tell him about the bike ride.  He was very excited, encouraging and congratulatory. I told him that it was possible that I wouldn’t be participating in the ride because I did not have the two hundred dollars for the entry fee nor did I have a bicycle.  I can honestly say that I was not telling him that so that he could offer it to me.  I only mentioned it in passing.   He asked me how tall I am and I replied that I am 5’4”.  He informed me that he had a very good mountain bike just hanging in his garage and that I would be welcome to borrow it.  Even though he is over 6’ tall, he suggested that if we lowered the seat as far as possible, it would probably work for me. I asked him if the bicycle had a bar across it.  He replied jokingly, “No, Barbara! I’m riding a girlie bike!”

My second question was, “Does it have speeds?” He said, “Of course it has speeds!”  I knew in my heart that the bike wouldn’t be the correct height for me, but I thanked him profusely, told him how much I appreciated his offer but added that he hold that thought because I would need to wait until I received the two hundred dollars.  I stood up to leave and as he followed me to the door, he stopped and told me to wait a minute.  He walked over to his briefcase, reached in, pulled out two, one hundred dollar bills and handed them to me.  I was stunned but replied that I couldn’t accept the money.  “Of course you can!” he answered in such a way that I knew that God had provided my entry fee through a kind and generous man.  I thanked him with a very grateful heart and left his office

            My next stop was to see a customer regarding her window treatments.  As we sat and chatted, I told her all about the ride and the need for the two hundred dollar registration fee and a bicycle.  Before I came to the part of the story about having just received these items, she excitedly informed me that she had a mountain bike in her garage and it hadn’t been ridden since before her baby was born and wouldn’t be riding it for some time.  She told me that it was like new and suggested that I use it for my training.  I asked her if it were a “girl’s” bike. To my great excitement, she answered that it was indeed a “girl’s bike”. 

            Within a couple of short hours I went from complaining and whining about not having a bicycle and the registration fee to having the use of two bikes as well as the two hundred dollar entry fee in my purse. How awesome is our God!  But wait!  I only needed one bicycle.  Did God make a mistake?  When I think of the circumstances of that day and how the Lord worked out all of the challenges that were facing me, I stand in wonder and awe.   Some unbelieving people would say that all of the above events were simply coincidence.  But I know for a fact that if I had not been going to Modesto that day and had not been listening to the car radio at just the right minute, I wouldn’t have thought to visit my accountant.  If I had telephoned him from my home about the book I wanted him to read, I would not have thought to tell him about the bike ride.  If his office had been closed because of the holiday and if he had been out of the office or unavailable for a drop-in visitor such as myself, I wouldn’t have mentioned the ride and I wouldn’t have been blessed with the money and bike.   I believe that God had two reasons for giving me two bikes that day.  One reason was probably to show me how silly I was in complaining and not trusting that he would provide.  The other reason will become evident in the next section.  There is an old saying that says, “When God calls a person, He equips them.”  At the time it seemed a little like overkill to get so much at once, but it was also His way of getting my attention.  It was if He were saying, “Look here, don’t you think I can do something as simple as providing a small amount of money and a bicycle when I have created this entire universe from the galaxies to the most minute details on a tiny little baby?  I created the earth and everything in it and I created you!”  It didn’t occur to me until later the significance of all of the circumstances of that day or how God had instrumented that whole series of events that began with my procrastinating in buying the gift for my son-in-law.

1 comment:

  1. Barbie Jo... you are so dang funny~~ You have inspired me... I won't go into the details, but I've been on track for 3 days.


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