Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Countdown to Triathlon - 263 Days, 37.5 weeks to Race Day (See Installment 18 of "The Journey", 220 mile bike ride, below)

         Goodbye fall leaves - Hello Pine Swags!


It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.  ~W.T. Ellis

The training continues - it's cold and hard to get the old bones moving in the morning.  But move, I must.  Even the fountain is having it's difficulties.




The Journey - Installment Eighteen


         NEW YORK, NEW YORK    

            The 31st of October, 2001, Halloween, I flew to Virginia to accompany my sister and her family to New York for the New York Marathon on Sunday, November 5th.  We had talked to each other earlier in the summer and discovered that she was in training for the marathon and I informed her that I was training for a 200 mile bike ride. Neither of us had ever attempted such feats in our lives.  I was a little nervous before flying back to the east coast because of the terrorist alerts following September 11th.   I am not usually worried or frightened about flying, but this time I had fear.   On the way to the airport, I called Pastor Don on my cell phone and asked him to pray for my safety.  I received such comfort and peace because of his prayers and God’s grace.  It was impressed upon me by a feeling that came over me that I was not to worry because God intended that I complete the ride the following June; therefore nothing harmful would happen to me.  I was able to let go of the fear even though the news was full of predictions of possible terrorist attacks on Halloween on airplanes and shopping malls.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!!! It worked and your new background is just lovely.

    I'm already enjoying listening to my Christmas CD's and getting ready to make some pumpkin bread in my festive kitchen.

    I so remember your trip to NY...oh how we prayed, and God calmed your anxious heart...How good He is!!

    Congratulations on the success of your new blog look!!!


Thanks for stopping by. We all need encouragement, me includeded but I love to encourage others as well. We're all on this journey of life together. Let's hold hands and forge ahead.

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