Sunday, May 15, 2011

After the bike ride – Installment Four

Just because it snowed 4 inches here at Lake Tahoe today, Wanda, doesn't mean it won't be nice on Saturday.  I'll bet there will be no more snow at lake level by then.
After the bike ride – Installment Four

     After the last rider came through the rest stop, we helped to clean up the church hall then hurried back to the the FOTF campus.  We parked and then walked across a huge grassy field where we stopped at the road running in front of the campus.  The bike ride was just about to end and it would be the culmination of the eighteen months of bike rides for the Focus on the Family ministry which began in January of 2011.  Focus on the Family was a ministry which had been founded 25 years before in Southern California by Dr. James Dobson. Their mission is to keep the family  a viable part of our nation and the world.  This weekend was the celebration of the Silver Anniversary of Focus on the Family. 


 While we waited for the first riders to finish, a helicopter landed on the grassy area carrying Dr. Dobson and his wife. 

I just realized that all the rest of the pictures I was going to show are on my computer at home and I can't access them from my laptop.  I'll have to resume this next Thursday when I get home.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you got too meet Dr. Dobson and his wife. How cool was that!


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