Monday, May 2, 2011

Installment 99 of "The Journey", 220 mile bike ride, below

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY –  “The power behind you is greater than the task ahead of you.” 

The Journey - Installment Ninety-Nine

        Did I say there would be no more hills? Would you believe it?  Instead of dropping us off at the parking lot entrance to the Golden Gate Bridge where the other riders were waiting, they dropped us off at the bottom of the hill.  I was flabbergasted!  Another stinking hill!  I looked up and asked myself, “How am I going to get up there?”   I did what I thought was the only thing available to me: prayer.  As I got on my bike and started up the hill, I remember saying out loud, “Okay Lord, we can do this, You and I, but I need your help.”  I have absolutely no recollection of getting up that hill.  All I remember is arriving at the top where I needed to get off my bike and wait to cross the road because there was solid line of vehicular traffic.  You can see in the picture below that the road was congested with cars.  I arrived at the top of the hill and remember thinking, “I’m done!”  I didn’t want to wait for the traffic; I just wanted to get across the road, through that gate and into the parking lot.  I just didn’t care about the cars.  I remember turning in front of cars across that busy intersection.  The miracle and most amazing thing that happened was that I crossed without incident.  No cars screeched on their brakes; I didn’t cause an accident; no cars hit one another or skidded.  It was impossible that I could have turned across that road with all that traffic in both directions and no one had to slam on their brakes.  I actually have no recollection of the crossing of the road; I just remember turning across into the traffic and thinking, "I don’t even care if someone hits me – I just want to be done."

  You can see us entering the gate in the middle of the photo. Behind the chainlink fence on the left is the line of traffic I had to ride through (or over).  I won't know the answer to that until I'm face to face with our Lord.  You can't see it in this picture, but there was a solid line of traffic going both directions.


       As a postscript to this incident, Toni, the lady from Kansas, happened to be standing at the gate when I crossed the road.  She told me later, that she was so amazed because I had just shot up that last hill and what amazed her was that I had that much energy to do it.  There is no way that I could have done that on my own.  My prayer to the Lord was answered.  Again, He had gotten me up the hill and even across the traffic without my being hit or even inconveniencing the motorists.  This was definitely a supernatural occurrence.  Whether the Lord put His hand on my back and pushed me up that incline or just picked me up and set me down at the top of that hill, I can swear that I didn’t do it on my own and I have no recollection of riding up that hill.  For all I know, He may even have picked me up and set across the busy road at the gate.   Even at the moment I arrived at the top of the hill  I recall that I had no memory of how I got up there.  Remember the motto of this entire ride had been determined at the very beginning eighteen months earlier when my friend Wanda gave me the card that fell out of her mail that day – “The power behind you is greater than the task ahead of you.”  It was truly amazing!  This was the second time on this three-day ride that I gotten to the top of a hill and not by my own power. 


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