Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Installment 100 of "The Journey", 220 mile bike ride, below

The Journey - Installment One Hundred

         When we all were gathered together at the parking lot and entrance to the Golden Gate Bridge, another mind-blowing incident occurred.  After having group photos taken, the leader of the Focus staff said, “We always give the honor to someone on this ride to cross the finish line first.  Who shall it be?”  In unison, all of the riders yelled out, “Barbara, Barbara, Barbara.”  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.  At that moment I remember thinking that there was no way that they had decided this ahead of time and I knew it my heart that it was spontaneous.  I think they all knew what a struggle this ride had been for me.  I was the oldest, the most overweight and the one with the most knee trouble.  What an honor that was. 

        The leader then said, “Barbara, lead the way to Marina Green.”  I was horrified because there was no way I was going to be the first one across the Golden Gate Bridge.  Now that was a really  “Ska-wy” bridge and the wind was blowing unmercifully.   Two of the “Hammerheads” volunteered to go ahead of me until we crossed over. 

(These pictures do not capture exactly what I remember.  I remember a high chain link fence along side of the bridge and I don't see it in these photos.  I did not take these pictures.  I imagine the fence has been added to prevent "jumpers from the bridge" or as windy as it was, I suppose a person could even be blown off the bridge.)


        As we came to the first tower that is part of the bridge suspension, we turned right to go around the tower.  The sidewalk on which we were riding went at right angles completely around the tower until it became a straight sidewalk again which paralleled the chain link fence on the edge of the bridge.  When we made that turn, the wind was so strong that the three of us were actually blown backwards while riding our bikes.  We had to jump off and lean into the wind, forcing  ourselves around the tower.  The rest of the group came to the same spot and were bottlenecked at that location. It was a few minutes before the group all got around the tower.    I could not believe how strong the wind was there.  It reminded me of the Pali on the Island of Oahu where the wind also howls as it pushes against you. (As newlyweds, Bob and I stood on the Pali and the wind whipped off my headband and blew it to parts unknown.)  After proceeding around the two towers by dismounting and pushing against the wind we rode along the fence line.  We were up so high and the view, I’m sure was spectacular, but I just couldn’t force myself to turn my head and look.  I am terrified of heights and of course the thought that the wind might blow me where I didn’t want to go if I wasn’t paying strict attention to getting to the other side of the bridge crossed my mind.

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